







try to explain the difference between left and right


My favorite was always trying to describe color without using its name. Like explain red to someone. 

The worst one is try thinking up a color that doesn’t exist

What does water taste like


Ok, I really want to try to desribe them, because I’ve never tried before.

If I were to split you down the middle, the relative difference in position from each half is to be classified as either “Left”, “Right”, or “Center”. Put simply it is a position classification system.

Red is the feeling of putting your feet infront of a fire. It is dry, and hot.

Orange is quite similar in feeling to red, but, I feel, wetter and a bit less warm, like a hot bath.

Yellow is kind of like an afternoon in the kitchen, surrounded by delicious smells, particularly baking, spice, and honey.

Green is the feeling of lying on cool, wet grass on a warm day. I assosiate it with wearing linen, or cheesecloth, or another such fabric.

Blue is the cool, soothing feeling of lying down on cold linoleum, on a humid day. You’re probably in summer pyjamas.

Purple is a feeling somewhere between sheepskin and velvet. It feels very rich, but suitably modest.

Brown is the jarring feeling when you stub your toe on something you knew was there but accidentally hit anyway.

Black is kind of rough, like dirt, but much cleaner.

White is smooth, and glassy, but it skin doesn’t gather on it. It is intellectual, and perhaps even clinical, but always comfortable.

I honestly can’t think of a fake colour.

Water tastes kind of like small change, but smoother, and weaker.
