Residents of a market town have been left stumped by these mysterious tree carvings thought to have been created an anonymous guerrilla artist. The astounding carvings have transformed regular trees into a dragon, a kingfisher and a ghostly figure. The local civic society in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, said it is bemused over who came up with the eye-catching intricate designs, which are between 10 and 20 feet high. They said they wanted to thank the elusive artist for creating a new tourist attraction for the area, which now goes alongside the popular Mother Shipton’s Cave. The carvings are thought to have appeared about two months ago, but no-one has ever seen the artist leaving their creative imprint on the tree trunks. The civic society is currently trying to track down the artist and is urging them to get in touch in an attempt to solve the mystery.
those are amazing
get it
they’ve been left stumped