




When Anita Sarkeesian announced plans to do a video series exploring the portrayal of women in video games, she became the victim of a massive online attack choreographed by members of the gaming community who cast her as the “villain” in their online “game” to ruin her life. It did not go well for them. But for Anita, things ended up going very well indeed. 

You definitely want to watch the whole thing, but here are some highlights: at 1:00 she talks about why she loves video games, at 2:02 just try to imagine yourself in her shoes, at 3:45 she sticks the people attacking her under a microscope, and at 8:15 she doesn’t just win the game, she absolutely destroys it.

Watch this.

And this is why only 13% of computer science department students (on average) are sexually active. Smh.


I may not be involved in video games, but I am an active member of the comic book and general geek communities, which suffer from similar sexism. And everything this woman stands for is admirable and amazing. She is furthest from a villain, she’s a hero.