You know what actually this part really pissed me off. Not that people stood behind Harry but because Pansy is being vilified for that totally legitimate action: Voldemort, the terror of their time, the dark wizard of all dark wizards, is going to spare their lives if he’s given this ONE KID. These are all children, she wants her life, she wants her friends to live, she doesn’t want war and fighting and death. She thinks sacrificing that one life is better than causing the deaths of all these other people, including herself. And everyone acts like this is a shameful decision and she’s a horrible person for thinking it, well fuck that.
And then ALL the Slytherins get locked up in the dungeon as if they’re going to turn traitor on them, completely negating any sense of unity and friendship that the stupid hat was singing about a couple books back. Fuck this scene and the judgey people and couldn’t someone have looked at Pansy sympathetically and said the fighting wouldn’t end with that one sacrifice or that Voldemort was too far gone and too evil to be bargaining with and that this was worth fighting for? Couldn’t they have been given any sympathy or understanding at all?