
SuperWhoLock: The big three. The uber fandoms. The monsters that run around ruining hipster posts. Everyone loves at least one of these fandoms and some are lucky to be in all three.
HetaStuck: The awesome, animated two. These used to be two rival fandoms that now coexist in peace. They often meet to discuss the complexities of shipping.
And then you have the mother fandom. The first fandom. The fandom to end all fandoms. The fandom that other fandoms only dream about being in: Harry Potter
But they were all of them deceived, for another fandom was made. In the land of England, in Pembroke College, Oxford, the university professor J.R.R. Tolkien forged in secret, a master fandom, to control all others. And into this fandom he poured all his wisdom, his knowledge and his will to influence all life. One fandom to rule them all: The Lord of the Rings.
Avengers: butts