

I know there’s already a post going around for this, but I want to make it a bit more personal. By donating to this site, you will be helping the girl you see in the pictures above to fight against the cancer that has developed from a malignant tumor in her stomach. Christina Velasquez, Eridan, John, Calliope, Sollux—whatever you know her as—she is as deeply active in her fandoms just like so many of us are, and the good that all of us are capable of when we rally together are nothing short of miracles. Homestuck fandom especially, I’ve seen what you can do. She is friends to many of us and the one and only love of my life, so please donate even a cent if you can. If you can’t donate, please reblog and help us spread word. Thank you to everyone that has donated thus far and please know that every donation goes straight to Christina’s family to help cover her medical expenses. Thank you.

Reblogging and signal boosting again. 

I know there are a lot of tumblr help posts like this floating around, and I know we’re all skeptical about that sort of thing because its the fucking internet, but as a friend of this lovely human being right here, I’m confirming that this is legit. She is too young to have a problem like this, and she can use all the help she can get from the people around her and the fandom that she’s part of. We all rallied together to donate about 2.5 million dollars to that kickstarter, so I know what we’re all capable of bros. I know we’re kind of like this weird grey, colorful family, because if there’s ever been an issue in this fandom where someone needs help, I’ve seen you guys get together and become a force of NOPE against whatever it is that needs us, I’ve seen you guys keeping an eye on each other at AX when there was rumor of someone being abducted, I’ve seen you guys spread the word to be safe against people who would threaten and harm us just because the 1% of this fandom is derp as fuck. 

We’re the fandom that created Can Town even, so I know we’re capable of doing good when we want to, need to and have to. There’s a bunch of you that follow me, and even just a dollar from each and every one of you would add up to a great sum of money that this girl really needs right now.