
So I’ve seen this in the past, and I just sincerely hope that you guys can help here. This is my older sister, Tabitha Miguel. She is my half-sister on my mother’s side, and 19 years older than me. I love her to bits and pieces, and she has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. But she needs some help to make her family complete.

Tab is shown here with my nieces and nephews and my brother-in-law, Jose. The kids from left to right are Rosa, Nina, Alex, Cassandra, Gabriel, and Mark Allen. Nina, Alex, and Mark Allen are her biological children, and the others are her step-children.

My sister is currently working two jobs, taking care of these 6 children, and going to school to become a nurse. She never has any extra time to spend with anyone, and the little time she has to herself she uses to take her kids to the park and spend time with all of them. The reason she is working so hard is to adopt little Rosa. 

Rosa, the youngest out of all of the children, is Jose’s daughter from a relationship he had before he met my sister. Rosa is about a year old now, and she is the sweetest little girl. But the reason Tabitha needs help is they want to adopt her. Tab went over to get Rosa for the weekend once and found her crying in her crib, having not been fed or changed since the night before. Tab was devastated, and reported it. But because they have such low funds, and they’re trying to save for a house they can’t afford the adoption process to permanently give little Rosa the family she deserves right now.

That’s where you come in, tumblr. You don’t have to donate, but if you could signal boost this I would be grateful to no end. They currently have a donation site set up to help with this, and it would make it so much easier for them if they had help. Signal boost, reblog, anything to help them. 

THE WEBSITE: http://www.gofundme.com/1cd388?pc=fb_cr 

Thank you for reading this, it’s really appreciated.