
seriously let me tell you something about teenagers (particularly teenage girls)

there is a fucking television program entitled “i hate my teenage daughter”

and you fucking sit there and judge these young people going through hormonal and social and mental hell

while you make tv shows and parenting blogs about how fucking awful they are?

do you know what teenage girls REALLY are?

they’re fucking WORLDS of potential bursting out at the seams

in all their taylor swift worshipping, converse wearing, dollar store lip gloss glory

they are our fucking precious future and they barely even get a voice

because… they listen to pop music and read for fun and laugh loudly all the time in public, how very dare they

so fucking excuse me if i think it’s counter-productive to shame people for liking one direction or gossip girl or whatever the fuck

they are teetering on the precipice of adulthood and they experience an epiphany every minute 

teenage girls are allowed to like things

they are allowed to figure their shit out and make mistakes and shame on you and all of us for forgetting that they could teach us a thing or two about enthusiasm and horror and disgust and delight