Before you hop on the “Jake is an asshole” train consider this.
Above is Jake’s own perspective on the matter.
Jake found Dirk overbearing and intrusive and needy, but he didn’t want to bring it up to Dirk, he was so conflicted over it he pined to ask for help.
He wasn’t sure to call off the relationship or not.
Doesn’t this remind you of something? Of all the “omg I am so socially awkward” posts here on tumblr like “How do I cheer someone up?” “What is friend?” “I am so afraid of talking to this cool person because they intimidate me!”, “I’m so scared they hate me!” and the more relevant to this case “I want to say something but then people would hate me if I say it”.
No I am not saying Dirk was a douche for thinking that Jake was a douche, I am just saying BOTH, not just one have their reasons for their relationship not working out. I think however it’s far too judgmental to label Jake a coward and an asshole for being unsure, insecure, and uncomfortable about where his relationship is heading with Dirk and ability to come forward with it. On the other hand Dirk did feel hurt by Jake not confronting him and does feel the right to be hurt, but due to the trickster mode thing they failed to work things out(It has been noted before by a friend that trickster mode is hindering them from working things out and is part of the nature of it being a “cheat mode”). Was it bad for them to break up? Maybe not! Just because two people are good friends doesn’t make them good lovers.
Thing is both are awkward teenagers raised in social isolation with only TV and 3 other people to interact with and maybe robots.
People saying “WOOHOO GO DIRK! JAKE IS A FUCKING ASSWIPE!” need to calm down and consider the issue from both perspectives. It also bothers me as someone who has been in the position of both Jake and Dirk. I know how it feels to be turned down and called a bunch of names because I couldn’t summon the nerve and was too intimidated and scared to come forward. I also don’t like to be kept in the dark about things like Dirk.
Thing is the perspective of this get’s a lot better once you stop trying to look for someone to blame.