


i want someone who doesnt read homestuck to explain this panel ready go

ok so that guy with the purple glasses is secretly posideon and the guy with the scyth (is that karkat?) is hades and the guy with the sword (that’s dave right) is zeus and they’re fighting because they’re little asssholes and that’s what they do. Then the girl with the chainsaw is Hercules’s spirit or something and trying to break up the three jerks becus stahp fighting guys no. Then the girl in the pin is a creepy-ass motherfucker who actually started the fight in the first place (the fight started because hades thought that posideon wachked him on the head. It was actually the pink girl who threw a fireball at him or something) then the rest of the people are like noooo whats happening stop fighting this is chaos D: and the guy in the grey in the back is just a stalker and is finding this all highly amusing.

thats actually pretty accurate