

Fuck yeah, Katherine Green.

Seriously, even in the year 2013, random strangers still feel the need to dictate about a person’s uterus.

Could we at least all agree that in no way is any woman obliged to have a baby just because it’s socially expected of her?

I may have done a “fuck yeah Katherine Green” dance when she tweeted that.

Because I’ve been sitting here feeling quietly disturbed by people saying various permutations of “when are Hank and Katherine having kids?” in various places for a while now. And it’s been hard, sometimes, not to kind of go off on some of those people, because I have REALLY REALLY WANTED TO, but it’s not my place, it’s not my business, Katherine is CLEARLY capable of taking care of herself and doesn’t need me to defend her. But it bugs me because it’s not anybody else’s business to be saying things like that in the first place (and I maybe take it more personally than I should, because I also get the “when are you having kids?” question, so I feel like I relate. Also, this is probably not the best place to discuss it, but I would like to point out to the populace at large that “are you having kids?” and “when are you having kids?” are two entirely different questions, only one of which makes me want to be a rage monster).