


Not smarter. Not nicer. Not better people. Not a scientist or an engineer or a teacher or a mother. Just thinner.

We as a society have to remember that when we see ads on TV saying ‘LOSE 10 LBS N 10 DAYS!’ ‘GET RID OF THAT UGLY FAT!’ ‘TAKE THESE DIET PILLS!’, our children are seeing them too.

When you’re complaining about how ‘fat’ you look in the mirror, your little sister or brother, your son or daughter, your cousin, the child you babysit, sees it. And they internalize it. It starts them on a LIFETIME of being obsessed with body image. They’re actually MORE likely to become obese because of hyper-awareness of body image and constantly feeling like they’re not good enough. They’re MORE likely to end up with an eating disorder.

It has to stop.


Don’t tell me that this didn’t just break your heart, Just Don’t