










Am I the only one who is afraid of this being that we finally know his name? Like it’s all been a mystery and now they want to spoil it?

I actually feel the same way…

If they reveal his name and it isn’t the greatest thing I’ve ever witnessed in my then 17 years of existence I swear to God I will leave this fandom.

I don’t even want them to reveal his name in the first place – it’ll basically shatter everything that creates intrigue surrounding the Doctor’s character.

It’s like disproving a supernatural legend, or even the existence of god (btw, I don’t want to get into a YouTube-worthy debate about this).

I’d recommend we deal with this can of worms when and if it is opened.

I think they might make his name something ridiculous just to make us all mad, if it is his name, and if it’s not, they’ll do their level best to make us think it is right up until the time that they actually tell us what the secret is in the show. Which will also make us mad.

GUYS GUYS, chill, what if it’s whatever was behing the door in the Labyrinth? His greatest fear? 

OR, this is when he actually tells River, since he didn’t in TWORS, and she knew it in the Library episodes. He just whispers it in her ear and we don’t find out.

OR the Time Lord race isn’t dead 

Or, you know, it could be the eyebrows.

Or it could be why William Hartnell’s disembodied head is just kind of chilling in the background of this image