I got tagged by destielandjohnlock

1: The book that affected you the most?

this is hard… probably deathly hallows? idk there are a lot of good books

2: What’s your favourite thing about yourself? (Physical or mental)

I can art.

3: If you had to choose to be a fictional character, who would you be?

the thing about being a fictional character is that you tend too have a bunch of problems because if you don’t you aren’t a very good character so no one really.

4: What’s the toughest decision you’ve ever had to make?

ok  I really don’t know 

5: If you could be instantly good at one thing and never have to practice  what would you want to be good at?

ART although I love practising art so I’d still practise haha

6: If you were to receive a million dollars spending money, what would you do with it?

buy art stuff. like, a better tablet, and infinite pencils, and watercolour paper, and art books and stuff. then spend the rest on maybe an awesome laptop and books.

7: Your thoughts on the men’s rights movement?

it’s kind of stupid

it would be nice if some of them could realise that it’s the patriarchy backfiring on them and then become feminists but unfortunately that doesn’t seem likely

8: Your OTP and why you ship them?

my otp is doctor/TARDIS and I ship them because they’ve always been there for each other like even when the doctor doesn’t have a companion she’s still there for him and they love each other SO MUCH and they ran away together and UGH I SHIP IT SO MUCH also she is literally a ship you don’t get much better than that

9: If you had to choose between true love but no friends, or friends but not love, which would you choose?

friends but not love, definitely. friends are AWESOME

10: Favourite word?

this is hard there are too many cool words

11: Describe your best friend

flawless in every way especially writing 

ok I don’t feel like making questions or tagging people so yeah