I’ve been volunteering at a cat shelter for a while now, we’re a no-kill shelter that takes in any cat, no matter the ailment! we have cats with gastrointestinal disabilities, cats with Feline HIV(FIV), cats missing lsegs, tails, eyes, ears, you name it, we probably have a friendly little guy hanging around.
However, we’ve recently taken in this little guy.
His name is Simba, and he’s horribly sweet! We can’t keep him in our kitten room at the moment, because he has Eyelid Agenesis.
Essentially, this means that he cannot comfortably open or close his eyes, because his eyelashes are literally sticking to his eyes. His eyelids hadn’t formed right, and fold incorrectly. The way that this happens can cause blindness, constant pain, eye trauma, and corneal ulcers for the poor little thing.
Luckily, this is perfectly fixable by Cryotherapy, using liquid nitrogen to freeze the stuck eyelashes off without causing pain for Simba.
Our shelter has hundreds of cats with varying ailments, and quite a few volunteers, but this surgery will cost somewhere between $800-$950 to do, and we don’t have that money.
Anything you can spare, please direct to this website, it could be as little or as much as you’d like, but we can’t afford to get him fixed up on our own, most of the things we have at the shelter are donations. I really don’t want to see this little guy go for something fixable, I’ve grown a liking to him.
Signal boosting!! Help the poor kitty out :c