The homestuck fandom has over 1.1 million ships please name me a fandom that has more
I may.
Naruto, haveing 858 characters, (supporting, main, villan, ect,) Has a total pairing combination of 14904014355327162476555290414328719424370128465209622513945548240847934453517987532148538153540680560000064734232283446435089427096149665602683207094084076919437568780781674533990674708553852908863094935934425681787866290855836589989534154069534260902769719177005700713150643170742912223567235767456946909998701714246561169357179794660009372216790712635927908803061483068757053443642328292140398525196245951616698273363942063983865442455468091814841853923197406628460446564578577231324887109364979694973483656067013970418278117444265651463246673600056740864376135532788898566484074712359391719819620226390006681808672718208241770714822933732439310720565548522984043584729897267752370521638075370533586310537591285401411978299062149197718011828543676493608251270910659455861816163839586663800739929111942602252170879317848639815066626069268423494994624712256656800764006924083618292789440318736919989956450388885100494577677227359046085594775826159464156994326712059008200411898532440682019645143888162872496534840053414360829011371341382197001749347773067125463151516101757270551449243805990219063787628122745386098779331417184953541411802153653313952394616555575130883772093666250057443240402551950849226868816714489789910496541429688574585166182747099742256471834589658552207637639962661377426983147653440082047963985381203919376287055656960042865075997942802285209992540074280690592325450547459912432340064404723474682537642453042155553062152161257609838041689124001588004584666505844064756521527467629412489118483447368895281965982832185962135332027885614216230737968557017497845060578576363400418280022372768490591414615098722832599773244521811771479227182744227498528022201217031852503426806952669973497170997422351792858644688160968923410100223999281164522777904218815486835571438106050182763260271202774859181019721314202128358815403704013678664490612692608908463548984227703422501687783158265176454931216194465026708087400038400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 And that’s not ENTIRELY accurate. Now, the number of pairings doesn’t make a series great, its the story itself that makes it great. However, if a shipping war were to break out between Homestuck and Naruto, if we went by the number of possible ships, Naruto would win. By a LANDSLIDE.
There is 840 Homestuck characters, not including alternate timeline versions of characters, and tricksters, and many others, and that is only listing the characters who have a full wiki page. Not including selfcest, there are an infinite amount of ships, because you can not only ship them in love, but in Homestuck, you can ship them in moiraillegiance, kismesitude, and auspisticeship, which is OT3s. Naruto may have 18 extra characters, but we have four seperate ways we can ship each ship! And for auspisticising, each three of the characters involved can play the part of the auspistice! Homestuck has infinite ways to ship, and sorry, but would beat Naruto.
i ship homestuck <3< naruto now
I just thought I’d point this out… The number of ships the Naruto fandom claims to have is absurd and clearly a gross miscalculation.
For the sake of my mind, we’re going to assume that in all cases the nature of consent and requisition does not play a factor in the ship, but rather if two characters are together in a certain kind of relationship then that is representative of that ship as a statistic. We are also going to exclude 3-ways, and only acknowledge P as a variable represented by a number other than 2 when concerning an Auspistic relationship.
If we establish our variables to be {N = the number of characters in a fandom}, {P = the number of participants involved in a particular paring} and {S = the number of romantic ways to ship any characters}, then the formula for calculating the number of ships in a fandom ought to adhere to follows:
((N^P) – N)*S if we chose not to include self-cest (which in this case we will given that Naruto and Homestuck are both prone to some form of duplication shenanigan or another) making our final equation (N^P)S
(858^2)1 = 736,164 This number represents the total number of potential ships within the Naruto fandom where N = 858 and P = 2 and S = 1
Now when we look at Homestuck, the numbers stack up differently because we have to account for all four of the romantic quadrants. Because The Auspistic quadrant will have a different P value than the other three quadrants, it will be calculated separately.
(840^2)(Matespritship)+(840^2)(Moirailegance)+(840^2)(Kismesissitude)+((840^3)-(840*3))(Auspisticism) = 594,818,280
This gives Homestuck just over half a billion potential ships where as Naruto doesn’t even reach one million.
This doesn’t even begin to take into account ships involving quadrant vacillation which would more than quadruple the number of ships in the Homestuck fandom.
Next time check your basic math before you post.
reblogging purely because this person went ahead and made a shipping equation and that is just awesome
this is the only math problem i will ever appreciate.