One of these things is not like the other

Homestuck fandom: Starts their own charity ( the Can Town Project) in order to send food to people in need.
Supernatural fandom: Rallies people to contribute to the various charity organizations in the actors’ names. Performs random acts of kindness to set a world record for Misha Collins.
Cumberbatch fandom: Sponsors him during his biking marathon to raise money for charity.
Hiddleston fandom: Raises tons of money for charity in his name.
Groban fandom: Supports various local and global charities as well as Groban’s own charity.
Merlin fandom: Successfully gets Colin Morgan to win a National Television Award.
Doctor Who fandom: Successfully gets Matt Smith to carry the Olympic torch.
Bieber fandom: Cuts themselves to get him to stop smoking weed as an attention ploy, while completely disregarding the seriousness of cutting for those with a serious mental disorder.