


So I think there should be a Cabin Pressure convention wherein:

  • we can tour an airport
  • like, behind the scenes at an airport
  • there are panels on aviation (AVIATION!)
  • panelists include pilots and members of the cabin crew who talk about all the crazy stuff that happens on their airline
  • reenactments of episodes
  • sponsored by Toblerone
  • John Finnemore


I talked with a couple people about hypothetical CabinCon 2014

  • it should be in an actual airplane
  • like a giant huge one with all the stuff taken out so we can move around
  • panelists can make announcements over the bing bong
  • free flying lessons
  • multiple Arthurs and Carolyns making rounds with cheese trays, fruit trays, cheesecake, strudel, surprising rice, orange platters, teas and coffees, etc.
  • everyone gets little aviation wing pins and the con badges would look like airline crew member badges
  • word games, citrus games, all the games
  • when we land we can have drinks and snacks in the Wind Sock Arms or The Hose and Hydrant or The Flap and Throttle
  • and also John Finnemore

I want this so hard.
