

Monsters of the Deep Sea

Found at the depths of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, these deep sea ocean dwellers are both scary and deadly:

  • Frill Shark – has over 300 rows of needle sharp teeth. Its name comes from its frilly-looking gills.
  • Stonefish – perfectly camouflaged to look like a rock on the ocean floor, it is the most venomous fish in the world. It has 13 spines along its back that release the venom, which can kill humans in just a few hours.
  • Sloane’s Viperfish – its teeth are a force to be reckoned with. The fang-like chompers are more than half the size of the viper’s head, allowing the fish to impale prey by swimming at the victim headfirst, mouth agape.
  • Red Octopus – has eight arms with rows of glow-in-the-dark suckers trailing down each arm which are used to attract planktonic prey, like insects drawn to a light.
  • Sea Pig – a type of sea cucumber found in very deep waters throughout Earth’s oceans. Sea pigs travel in large groups numbered in the hundreds, crawling along the sea floor.

Just a note that the stonefish is not just a deep sea fish – they certainly occur along Australia’s coastline.