The point where I may or may not have screamed loudly at the TV
fyi have not seen ep yet do not know context now I don’t want to know
but um was it not established by The Doctor’s Wife that the TARDIS stole the Doctor, not fudging Clara telling him what to do? Wow I just love how last season the Doctor and the TARDIS were a humanized team of awesome and adorable and now it’s all “no she’s my ship stop being mean to people bad ship bad” fer serious Doctor/Moffat the TARDIS can detect your bullshoot and is trying to keep the Doctor away from it
Steven Moffat seems to think that the significance and emotional punch of a character depends on their connection to the Doctor. Funny enough, that’s supposed to be the opposite of what Doctor Who is about. His involvement with them, how they fit into his timeline, isn’t what makes them important. It’s so much more than that. Unfortunately, this is something the current writer cannot grasp, and that is why for all their quirks and humor and ‘helpfulness’, his characters feel empty. There are too many forced coincidences that are explained away by some new scenes jotted in at the end. I call this phenomena Deus ex Companion.