




Wow, this is thought provoking.

Okay this might seem random, but you know what pisses me off:

When men (I’m not talking about all men, just men I’ve heard say it) look at pictures of stick thin models and say, “Ew, I like curves on a woman! Bones are for dogs!” blah blah blah blah.

But by curves they mean “a tiny waist and toned legs but a huge ass and boobs”. It is so much easier to just exercise yourself down to a thin/toned body than it is to have a giant ass and boobs AND a tight tummy. They think they’re being progressive by saying Kate Upton is more attractive than Keira Knightley and they’re not. They’re not not not. It’s just promoting another equally unattainable beauty standard. >80

AGREED, 100%

seriously !! ^^^^

^^ god bless this,