



So I liked this page last year for the shits and gigs, as you do. I found it funny, and let slide the few sexist posts.

Only recently- and after I got a tumblr- did I really start to notice the abundance of rape, sexist and racist jokes appearing on my news feed. And it pissed me off.

I said nothing, however, because what could I do? Send in a message to the page and get labelled a whore and a slut by the Admins as I’ve seen so many people do? 

Then this motherfucking gem popped up.

I usually don’t get involved in these sorts of things; if I do my comment gets lost more often than not and goes unnoticed. But I had to comment, I really had to.

I thought my argument was valid and whole, and I was actually rather happy when he admin directly replied to my comment. 

I narrowed down my five favourite games ever and posted them.

Of course, I got beaten and labeled down once again. 

When I asked for a rational clarification of his definitions of “casual” and “core” he did not reply. It was only when I directly insinuated the bias of his claim did I get a response. 

“A feminist I see.  No arguments need to be made. Good luck with getting them eggs fertilized”

Note the use of “feminist” as an insult.

I have had my fair share of gender specific hate regarding gaming. I get told I am a fake and a bitch if I get a high score; I get told to “suck a dick because you are better at that, bitch” if I get a low score; I get told to “get back in the kitchen, slut” without any prompt at all, simply because I have a vagina. 

I am beyond sick of this. I hate the fact that if a male who hypothetically plays a few hours of CoD can be easily called a gamer by the wider community but I if were to say that I was a level 34 on Skyrim I would immediately be called a fake geek girl, a casual gamer and a liar.

I hate the fact that, even though 45% of gaming consumers are female, developers and publishers still believe that there is not a large enough demographic for female protagonists.

I hate the fact that most women in video games are no more than sexulised objects in skimpy clothing.

I hate the fact that I cannot enjoy a game without being labeled and branded because of the fact that I posses a vagina and not a penis.

~sorry about the long post clogging up your dash. I needed to vent~

Off-topic somewhat, but important.

why this