






Always remember

Caligula was a bit cray. He was involved in an incestuous relationship with his sisters, he executed people without giving them a proper trial, it was rumored that he stole land from his citizens because Rome was a broke bitch since he spent money like a cracked out shopaholic, he claimed he was several different gods/demigods (not like a god complex, but he would actually dress up like Venus and Mercury in public), he planned to make his horse a consul (an invalidated rumor, but he was batshit enough to do it), and he was basically so crazy and cruel that he was murdered by his own praetorian guard—the guys who lived specifically to protect him.

Besides this, he was part of a line of emperors after Augustus that all were generally insane or plain evil. The familial line ended when Nero killed himself. It’s interesting to see how ridiculously horrible these guys were. If you have time, peruse some of their history.

It’s things like this that make me stay a history nerd.

Aerys Targaryen is basically Caligula.

a lot of historians think untreated disease was what made caligula so fucking weird. encephalitis, meningitis, epilepsy, and even hyperthyroidism have been posed as possible causes

either way, dude was wiggedy whack y’all

I think the best part was that while they were assassinating him, he kept protesting that he was still alive lol. 

O, Little Boot. U so cray.