
In response to the idiot who was whining about how people should “stop complaining" about getting cat-called and how they never get cat-called and how people who get cat-called should somehow be grateful:


Compliments: “I like your hair!“ “You look beautiful today!” “You look so great in that shirt!“ “You’re soooo pretty!”

Cat-calls: “Hey baby wanna *insert crude sexual phrase here*“ “Ooh yeah I’d fuck you” “Nice tits! Show me your tits!“

It’s so sad how the 200+ people who reblogged it and the OP don’t even know the difference between the two.

When I get a compliment, I feel better about myself. It gives my self-esteem a boost. When I get cat-called I do not feel better about my self. I feel like a piece of meat. It makes me feel uncomfortable knowing that random guys on the street who I don’t even know see me as something “fuckable”. See the difference?

If you are upset because you never get cat-called – that’s fine, whatever floats your boat. If being cat-called makes you feel good then that’s okay. But for the majority of people it’s not an enjoyable experience. So don’t tell them to “deal with it" or “accept the compliment" just because you’re miserable about not being seen as a mere sexual object.