I am on act 4 and the only thing on my mind is, “When does Homestuck stop sucking?”
Where are the sad moments in Homestuck, why aren’t the main characters taking anything seriously and what the fuck is with the ADHD levels of randomness?! It’s missing the basics for what a publisher would consider a marketable story. You, yes you, Homestuckers are the music equivalent of screamo fans. And before you say this is my opinion let me remind you that you are in the minority. Homestuck is not popular. Homestuck is currently trending with insufferable internet dwelling rejects. If you are a Homestuck fan chances are 3 of the following applies to you:
- You are a teenager
- You are a casual gamer
- You know little to nothing about actual entertainment
- You think you have what it takes to be an artist
- You have this silly notion that there is no objective truth to the quality of art
- You are a complete friendless loser IRL
The name Homestuck is fitting because with your taste in entertainment you’re going to be home stuck with your moms for the rest of your life. Andrew Hussie is the perfect case for late term abortion.
Homestuck is not popular.
Homestuck is only for teenage, casual gamers, who know little to nothing about actual entertainment…
…who think they have what it takes to be an artist, but this silly notion that there is no objective truth to the quality of art…
…who are all obviously completely friendless losers.
And it’s not popular…
Well, your opinion is your opinion.
Fucking Amen.
You’re allowed to not like Homestuck. What you’re not allowed to do is insult the people that do like it.