
Hi Tumblr,

You guys see that adorable cat up there? That’s my baby, Alfred (like the butler from batman?). Though he usually prefers Fred or Alfie. The black cat in the bottom corner is his best friend, Hazel. Alfred is probably the sweetest cat you will ever meet. He likes cuddling, playing outside, purring loudly, and swallowing things he shouldn’t. The problem is that swallowing things isn’t really good for cats. Alfie here recently swallowed something, we don’t know what, and it got stuck in his small intestine, blocking his digestive tract. Basically this means he can’t poop. He pukes up his feces because he can’t pass them. And he can’t eat. On top of all of this, this blockage damages his intestinal tract. It will cause his small intestine to shrink, become brittle, and burst- killing him.

Right now, my family and I have two options: Go into surgery or euthanize him. Euthanization is there to make his death as painless as possible. It’s the last thing we want to do, but my step-dad is losing his job and we just can’t afford the surgery Fred needs to save his life. With the expense of the surgery of itself, plus the anesthetic, plus antibiotics, plus the overnight treatment, plus the fluids, etc, you can see how the price just adds up. This is where you come in. 

I am asking you, tumblr, to donate to save Alfred. I wouldn’t ask this if it wasn’t important, but this is the only way i have to save his life. He’s only 9 months old. He hasn’t even finished growing yet. We rescued him from the humane society in November, and he has quickly become a part of our family. We don’t want to see him go- especially not so soon, and not over something as stupid as swallowing some small toy or something. 

I understand times are tight for everyone, but this is the only way I know to save Fred. I’ve seen Tumblr reblog a girl to get herself a fluffy chicken. I’ve seen Tumblr keep people in college or in their apartments. I’m crap at art and I don’t have anything to offer you guys. But if you can donate, I am begging you to help. If you can’t, please reblog so that others who can might see this. Our goal is $2000, which will put the remaining cost into my family’s price bracket. I know it’s a large goal and that it’s a lot to ask, but i’ve seen Tumblr accomplish great things. Anything helps and all support is appreciated. 

If you can DONATE HERE.

Thank you all from me and my family, and an extra warm thank you from Alfred. 

If we can even get close to our goal im sure we can find a way to cover the rest

If we could just get everyone to donate at least a dollar we can make it happen! Please help donate a dollar or post this on popular blogs and ask their followers to donate a dollar each since i don’t have to many followers

Just One Dollar Could Save A Life.