Maybe Rosemary is not safe. I know that “This Conversation” could be innocuous, but I was also thinking that there might be a serious problem here.
Let’s all stop to remember what Rose’s last conversation with Kanaya was:
We all remember this scare. Biggest threat to Rosemary. And what was the topic of the conversation?
Her alcohol addiction, of course! And it was bad enough that it almost led to a break-up.
Well, fast forward post-hiatus. Rose is sobering up, and wanting to talk to Kanaya about serious issues, life-changing issues. And what is Kanaya doing RIGHT THIS MOMENT?
She’s supplying herself with a blood ‘fix’ from a shady, villainous dealer that is KNOWN to be aggressive and dangerous. In fact, it’s been mentioned to be like a drug fix to her!
And it’s a shameful habit even by Kanaya’s own narration
And Karkat has already criticized her for it.
I can’t imagine that Rose, who was JUST yelled at for a similar offense, only replace blood with alcohol, will take this near-hypocritical turn of events well. After all, she just got yelled at and degraded for her drinking habit by someone who is now pouring billions of boondollars into her OWN drinking habit. So, needless to say, I’m a little worried.
(Plus, we don’t know if different blood might have different effects on Kanaya, much like sugar had an effect like alcohol on Terezi, blood may be like Kanaya’s alcohol. What if her next chat log is full of drunk slurs? There are so many possibilities for this conversation!)