If you see this do NOT call an exterminator, call a beekeeper to relocate them for you.
Fuck that, I’m calling a SWAT team
No you’re not
Hey man! Bees are extremely important! They are the worlds most efficient and effective pollinators! without bees we wouldn’t have lots of fruit and vegetables and nuts! Like cucumbers, almonds, cherries, and that’s just naming a few. Because these plants can only be pollinated by bees, therefore if there were no bees there would be none of those foods! that’s why you gotta kiss bees and not kill them
Yep! These bees are swarming. They have all gathered there before heading off together to find a new place to build a hive! At this point in a Swarm, the bees can actually just be knocked in to a box and taken to an appropriate Hive, as long as you have the queen. She’s in there somewhere. Honestly during the swarm ball bees are pretty chill. Nothing to get over excited or frightened about.