





Marine pretending to cheat off a 4th graders math exam. – Phillippines


no but this imperialism is cute!!!!

What the fuck are US marines doing in the Philippines…. Get out of there. Get out of everywhere. Go home. No one wants you on their soil.

^^^^ Exactly.

Oh thank god I wasn’t the only one who when I saw this photo circulating around my dash plenty of times this morning how disturbing this photo is.

Like what someone mentioned above how the ever fuckin hell is imperialism ever cute?

Someone explain how this is cute. Especially with the problems of sexualization, fetish, and prostitution among and toward Filipin@s especially around the old U.S. military bases and where U.S. marine magazines actually support the sexualization by writing articles on the Philippines as an exotic, tropical, country with scantily clad women. Then coming to the country to find a Filipina girlfriend and trophy wife to take back with them to the states.

How has U.S. imperialism in the Philippines, which is the country where the U.S. became a new imperialist country when they colonized us, stole our freedom from Spain, called and still do call us insurgents for trying to fight them off our lands after they supposedly “defeated Spain” in a mock war in Intramuros where the Spaniards just surrendered to the Americans because despite they knew how they lost to the Filipin@s fighting them outside those walls they didn’t want to admit defeat to the people they colonized. How in the Philippine-American War shortly after they killed thousands of innocent people men, women, children, and the elderly. Who burned villages, called us “g**ks”, where that racist slur originated from, and “little black n*ggers*. Where they did torture methods such as the water cure torture, and when they set up schools with white Americans to come to the Philippines and force them to learn English, often reprimanding the children if they spoke their native language, and writing textbooks that hid the atrocities done to us so they would make it like the U.S. was “our savior”, which was one reason why we were colonized anyway because they wanted to “save us from ourselves”. And so many other shit that the U.S. has done, still does.

You may find this picture cute but that isn’t cute. 

You know what I see? I just see a photo that supports the problem of the U.S. military in the Philippines and hell, all of Asia and the Pacific region really.

Let me make this clear.

We. Don’t. Want. The. U.S. In. The. Philippines.

They have done plenty of shit to us in the past and still do.

Just get the hell out of our country and the rest of Asia.