
can you imagine though

tony abbott

prime minister

the man who thinks homosexuality is a legitimate cause for concern because accepting it as a fact of life and allowing so-inclined individuals to marry or have rights which are at all on par with that of heterosexual people is going to bring unspeakable horrors down upon the australian people

the man who thinks that picking up trash is a worthwhile job for any human being to hold, because someone’s gotta do it and if it’s poor, underprivileged people, then so be it

the man who believes our school history curriculum focuses too much on the history of aboriginal people and needs to focus more on white people and their achievements (like what? attempted extermination of an entire race of people? oh wait, it already covers that)

the man who believes women are inferior beings who if asked would probably tell you women are on equal footing to men (and frankly it’d be hardly surprising if he’s said something of the likes before)

the very idea he could be running the country is terrifying