Here is the thing, okay? Coming into a feminist conversation with, “Have you considered that sometimes women acquire free drinks at bars?” is like walking into graduate school during Philosophy finals and saying, “Have you considered that the color blue that I see may not be the color blue that you see?”

Imagine you are the guy who just walked into that Philosophy class and laid that shit down. Imagine the class full of students who have worked very hard and committed themselves and sacrificed to be here, students who have spent several years of their lives learning about this subject. Imagine now their feelings when you go to the head of the classroom with a smirk on your face and demand the professor give you an A for effort. Imagine now that they think you are a douchebag asshole, because they do, and because you are. You are a douchebag asshole because you are obviously so self-centered, arrogant, and completely ignorant of the world around you, that you thought you could walk into a high-level course with no background and no work and say something profoundly simplistic and totally unrelated and also everybody should congratulate you for having done this thing, so brave, so provocative.
You are not asking us a real question. You are simply illustrating, for all to see, your own ignorance. You are saying, “I have not considered the implications of the question I have just asked. I have not taken the time nor effort nor commitment to sit down and ask myself this question. Instead, I have come into your philosophy classroom/office/feminist blog and shat out my question with a smirk, because I believe that my two seconds of thought are worth more than your long-term analysis, because I believe I am worth more.”

Fugivitus: A few things to consider when you find a feminist blog (via absolutely-spiffing)

I definitely recommend reading the full article.

(via mrbutts)

The best thing about this is that it doesn’t just extend to feminism. You have people do this in many areas of social justice. Like the white people who ask POC questions about how going to an all black high school means they were oppressed. 

Or the pro-life people I get who ask questions that point out that a fetus has its own unique DNA like I’ve never heard that argument before and will just collapse in on myself by the moral dilemma it causes.

(via rabbleprochoice)

Some guy in a group I go to legit tried to argue that women have privilege because they get free drinks at bars and I fucking wanted to punch him in the face for his idiocy.

(via queerness-and-coffeebeans)