I don’t know what makes me the most angry about this line up.
Maybe it’s the fact that there is one sole female in a cabinet of nineteen, and now the cabinet of Afghanistan has more female representation in it than its Australian counterpart. And that when I pointed it out on Facebook, I was immediately labelled as a male bashing “feminist”.
Maybe it’s the fact that we as a nation that relies in part on mining to keep our economy afloat no longer has a minister for energy or climate to investigate cleaner energy options and reduce our carbon footprint, ESPECIALLY seeing as the carbon tax will now be abolished.
Maybe it’s the fact that for the first time in 81 years, Australia does not have a minister for science. Let me say that again; they had a science minister back as far as the 1940s and now, in modern society, we do not.
MAYBE it’s because we, a country with an increasing rate of elderly citizens, no longer have a minister for aged care.
Or maybe, most of all, it’s the fact that we no longer have a minister for youth, disability or mental health. Because you know, mental health obviously isn’t a real issue for people, and is merely a cry for attention from us lazy, selfish Gen-Y’ers. Because those who are disabled get so much funding and help already, and are sucking valuable resources and money from the Government. Because the youth of Australia are self absorbed lazy assholes who need to shape up, ship out and learn how to live in the “real world”.
Well I’m sorry, but if this is the new “real world” I have to face, then I refuse to grow up. Because for the first time in my life, I am ashamed and disappointed to be Australian. If this is our future, then I’m building a time machine, because I refuse to live in a society as ignorant as this.