


This duck got himself all in a flap after inadvertently straying into the path of a giant Shoebill while heading towards water.

But it was all water off a duck’s back for the imposing 4ft tall bird which instead of eating his smaller friend, carefully picked him up in his beak and moved him aside.

Despite its fearsome reputation as a predator around water, the Shoebill seemed more concerned with completing its journey than tucking into a feathered snack.

These extraordinary pictures were captured by 51-year-old amateur photographer Mark Kay, at the San Diego Wild Animal Park in the U.S.

‘I thought the Shoebill was going to eat the duck, but soon realised he was moving him out of the way.

‘After the duck fell to the ground, he seemed flustered and just walked away. The Shoebill just carried on.’

Credit / Full Article can be found HERE

Look at that duck’s face in the last picture.

His whole life just flashed before his eyes.

this set fucking kills me every time