Art by: 茉莉
Better quality of the last nine images: /1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/
(For better quality on your dashboard, just click any one of the images. The quality won’t be as great as the links though. Your blog should also automatically make the images as big as possible, but I don’t know if this changes depending on theme.)
To see better quality of the first ten images, just click on them. To see the best quality of them right click and select open link in new tab/window.
I apologize since this is quite the long post, but I am in love with this artist’s art. All the work and little details put into all of it is amazing and makes me really happy.
I like to see art of this side of the Pokemon universe. Because otherwise it’s basically a universe revolving around pitting animals against each other for sport and that’s an… uncomfortable thought.