

I’ve been browsing the demisexual tag and I’ve seen quite a lot of posts claiming “demisexuality is not a real sexuality” or something similar to that. As a demisexual, I’m a bit offended, and have decided to educate you all on demisexuals.

Demisexuality is when you don’t have sexual feelings towards a person without forming a deep emotional or romantic bond with them first. It is in the spectrum of asexuality. However, it is different in its own respects. Asexuals (normally) don’t have any attraction to sex no matter the bond with a person. Demisexuals are different. They CAN have the attraction to sex if given the right bond and circumstances. To claim that this is not a real sexuality might harm people who identify as demisexual.

Some arguments claim demisexuality doesn’t deal with gender, thus is not a real sexuality. I take it as it can be any gender, much like pans. But perhaps some people have different preference. Since when can we not bend and break rules in sexuality? If a demisexual only likes one gender, so be it. It doesn’t have to mentioned in it so be a sexuality. Asexuals don’t mention gender, do they? However, they are a very real sexuality and they are so because of their lack of attraction to sex.

So demisexuals, in turn, are also very real. They have a lack of attraction to sex UNTIL forming a deep emotional bond with their significant other. 

If I see one more post about demisexuality not being a real sexuality, I will be extremely upset.

Hopefully this was educational and my followers learned a bit about my sexuality!