Can you like do a list of why people should watch classic who and listen to the audios? Bc I have a hard time explaining it and when ever I try to encourage newvians to watch/listen I get told off for being a “purist” which I’m not. I just think you get a better understanding of both the show and the doctor as a whole.


  • the stories told in classic who and the eu are fantastic in their own right and writing them off simply for what they are is totally pointless.
  • gallifrey!
  • there are a lot of pretty people??? dude have you seen lis sladen and katy manning and [lists basically every actor in part of a team tardis] and even in the audios like????? have you ever heard paul mcgann speak have you ever heard paul mcgann moan.
  • gallifrey!!
  • okay so classic who is called antifeminist a lot but that is blatantly untrue. like i’m not gonna say there were some sexist bits every now and again, but the women are all fantastic. barbara wright mowed down daleks with a lorry. victoria once put the monster of the week out of commission by weaponising her screams. in the web of fear we get “when i was a little girl i thought i’d like to be a scientist, so i became a scientist”. zoe heriot, a human girl just out of her teens, is acknowledged to be as intelligent a scientist as the doctor. one of the first things sarah jane does upon meeting the doctor is refuse to act as a maid (“if you think i’m going to spend my time making cups of coffee for you, you’re very—”). ace mcshane inspired the idea of a “crowning moment of awesome” when she beat up a dalek with a baseball bat because it called her small. in the same serial she fights one with a rocket launcher. in no way were classic companions weak and subservient, or played second fiddle to the doctor. in fact, the doctor’s initial role was as a borderline antagonist. the story has always been about the companions. and those companions have always, always, been amazing.
  • gallifrey!!!
  • the doctor’s character development is fascinating. they start out threatening to kill their first companions for the sake of the web of time not being compromised by 20th century humans learning about aliens and future technology. an episode later they nearly brain someone with a rock because he was injured and would slow them down (later we find out that the doctor first killed someone the same way, at the tender age of seven. it’s very poignant). as the doctor grows as a person, moral dilemmas come up again: is it right to destroy the daleks? at the time, the doctor believes the answer to be ‘no’. they later revise their opinion, and whether that’s moral or otherwise, well. nobody ever said the doctor was good, and certainly not me.
  • gallifrey!!!!
  • i know you didn’t mention the comics or novels but those should also not be left unignored. there are probably more queer characters in them than there are cishet. a cyberman comes on as a companion. the doctor willingly tells someone their name, and there was no marriage involved, either. a companion decides she’s not morally opposed to killing the doctor if they haven’t got humanity’s best interests in mind. there are also kittens. and the doctor’s been to terry pratchett’s discworld. and maintained a long correspondence with h. p. lovecraft. i couldn’t make this stuff up, okay.
  • gallifrey!!!!!
  • in short: classic who and the eu are awesome and fantastic and you should totally get into them they’re great i love them so much and there’s nothing to do with purity by any means they’re simply fantastic stories with fantastic characters played by fantastic actors and you’re missing out if you’re not interested in them.
  • also i’m told that catching up on classic who while waiting for a new season makes the hiatus a lot more bearable.
  • (have i mentioned gallifrey??????)