




Wool is cruel #wool #sheep #knitting

Let me tell you something. I OWN sheep. No, we don’t personally use their wool, but they do have to be shaven in the summer because of the heat. We also know SEVERAL families who do own sheep for the purpose of their wool. They are people specifically trained to sheer them. They do NOT end up cut up like that if the right person is doing the work.

THANK GOD. I absolutely hate people who think this. Jesus Christ you are all stupid.

Yeah no. Sheep can easily die from heat stroke or exhaustion if not shorn. If properly shorn it causes absolutely no harm or pain to the animal.

As someone who has been educated to the wool trade, (and eventually must work with it as a fashion/tailor) I have to call bullshit on this.

The people who breed sheep for their wool would not injure their goddamn flocks. Because then there wouldn’t be an industry about wool, because it would be a trade that has constant losses.

So yeah, don’t fucking try to press this idea.