


So as some of you may know, we’ve had my cat for nearly 15 years and today he had to be put down because he had liver failure and he had ulcers all in his mouth down his throat. My cat has ALWAYS been a healthy cat, no matter how old he got, the other day my mum bought some flea drops for him and shortly after his fur went all matted, he stopped eating (now this was a huge thing because my cat is the greediest cat ever) and he couldn’t walk properly, we thought it was old age. My mum spoke to her boyfriend and he asked if it was called ‘bob martins’ and my mum was like ‘yeah why?’ he then broke the news too her that people have tried too get this off the markets, including vets as it has been known too kill cats – so then we looked into it

here are just two of the links of people saying that their cats and people’s cats they know had died off it, apparently it burns through them, so then me and my sister figured it out, he’d been licking his fur too get it better and the stuff he’d been licking had been burning his mouth therefore giving him the ulcers and liver failure 

me and my family are all in tears. he was in our lives for so long and he NEVER harmed anyone, I am begging EVERYONE to reblog and sign this petition please get justice for our cat and could everyone please join this too and write how disgusting this is

He literally meant the world too all of us. 

I will be forever in your debt, thankyou so much.

I will reblog this till it had 100,000 notes