
i find it fucked up how media NEVER EVER shows bitter and angry holocaust survivors. the only survivors ive ever seen interviewed or biopics are the ones who say “no i dont hate the nazis or the german public at the time hatred only brings more hatred” like ok ive only talked to 1 survivor ever but he was one of the most fucking angry and embittered person about it, understandably so. 

like i kind of feel like its just another way for media to manipulate oppressed peoples into accepting and tolerating their oppression by showing people who’ve survived fucked up shit who come out of it like “love everyone its the only way”, like they’re USING survivors of hashoah to do this, like a survivor can handle their stuff any way that works for them im not criticizing that but like i would like to see a portrayal of a survivor, by popular media, who DOESNT say they dont think u should hate ur oppressor for once, i want a portrayal of an angry survivor, it’s not like there aren’t any (or haven’t been) i dont know it just makes me so uncomfortable like it feels so disingenuous to me, like just another trend in a long history of using the plight of oppressed peoples for oppressor groups purposes