You Probably Don’t Have Bipolar Disorder (Or One Of These 7 Other Conditions)
Severe depression, extreme irritability, over-exuberance: possible symptoms of bipolar disorder. Dying your hair and then missing the old color? Not bipolar disorder.This is particularly important to me, as I deal with a few of these listed. Clinically diagnosed, mind you. I hate that I feel obligated to say that these days, because if I don’t say it, people will just think I’m mislabeling myself.
The migraine thing. YES. If you can post on Facebook about how you have a migraine, you probably don’t. I get them rarely, and I honestly don’t know how anyone with frequent migraines can function at all.
I don’t really hear people falsely claiming to have depression as much as some of the other disorders, maybe because I know so many legitimately depressed people. But I do hear a lot of people claiming that “everyone gets a bit depressed sometimes” and saying that it’s not that big of a deal. I think it’s important to mention that there are several types of depression, and MDD isn’t the only one.