

We know that Ke$ha has been in rehab for the past few weeks for an eating disorder, and we know that Ke$ha’s issues started when her team criticized her weight, but what we didn’t know was just how bad things were. Thankfully, Ke$ha’s mom, Pebe Sebert, is around to tell all kinds of truth about the situation, and this latest truth she told is probably the saddest, scariest truth of all:

“I’ve watched my beautiful, self-confident, brilliant daughter be berated and ridiculed for her looks and weight to the point that she almost died. The doctors told me her blood pressure and sodium levels were so low, they’d never seen it that low except with someone who’d had a heart attack or stroke. They said it was a miracle she hadn’t already dropped dead on stage.”

And another sad story:

"One time on a conference call, Sonenberg [Ke$ha’s former manager] was screaming, ‘You need to lose weight! I don’t care what you do … take drugs, not eat, stick your finger down your throat!’ Ke$ha was just weeping. She drove around afterward thinking about killing herself.”

How can people be so awful? If this guy really did tell Ke$ha to do drugs to lose weight and/or “stick your finger down your throat,” then what kind of person is he? It’s one thing to dislike a person’s choice of clothing — what’s up, everybody — but it’s a whole different ballgame to tell someone to disregard her health because she’s maybe a few pounds too heavy for your personal taste. That’s absolutely disgusting.

One more thing from Ke$ha’s mom:

"At this point, she doesn’t care if she ever makes a record again. She just wants to be healthy and happy.”

You do whatever you need to, Ke$ha, and we’ll love you regardless. Forget the douchebags. Stay awesome. 

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I don’t really care for her music, but goodness that’s terrible.