




Oh, something I forgot too. If it wasn’t for that doll affecting John and causing him to draw clowns all over his walls, Dad Egbert never would’ve thought John liked clowns and wouldn’t have gotten him that harlequin for his birthday. If he never got the harlequin, it never would’ve been prototyped. If it was never prototyped, the Black Queen wouldn’t be part clown, and wouldn’t have made all the dersites wear clown themed things. If Jack Noir didn’t have to wear the silly clown hat, he never would’ve killed the Black Queen, and would’ve never gotten the ring. If he never got the ring, Bec Noir would’ve never come into existence, and thus  the beta kid’s session would’ve never been doomed. 

So by chucklevoodooing that doll there, he essentially diseased the session, and in fact, made it terminally ill. Of course, that is just one the many reasons things have gone wrong, and it couldn’t have NOT happened, or else a lot of shit would not exist. 

Homestuck sure is a mess of causes and effects that in turn cause things which in turn affect things. It’s a well woven web, huh?

I wouldn’t say “Gamzee what did you do” as much as “Dave what the fuck did you do“ because Gamzee manifested the doll because Dave showed him the Miracles video

so it’s all daves fault, is what i’m saying here

no but as we can see here:

dave originally got the video from betty crocker, a year before it was supposed to be released:

TG: the song isnt even supposed to be released for another year or something 
TG: but i got it from an inside source 

so therefore everything is the condesce’s fault.

(and since the condesce is working for lord english, everything is ultimately his fault.)