


Six in 10 girls quit activities they love because of how they feel about their looks

Sorry that this isn’t Architecture related, but this is a serious issue. I can tell you from a personal point of view that I actually quit hockey when I was younger because of my self esteem issues. Girls and boys all around the world find a sport they love, but have it cut short because they do not like the way they look. 

Girls and boys need their coaches, parents, friends etc. to help them through this. They need to be told that they should focus on their love for whatever sport it is instead of feeling bad about the way they look. 

Pass this on, and let people know that everybody has a chance to be who they want to be without thinking about the way they look. 

I quit ballet because of this. Even as a little girl, I didn’t like that my thighs were bigger than the other girls.

And I was not a chubby kid.

Think about how many girls and women avoid gyms, pools, exercise classes and beaches because we’ve gotten the message…we aren’t attractive. And we don’t want to deal with stares, glares, or grimaces of disgust. It’s easier to say, “Fuck sports, dance and exercise” and hide than it is to deal with people offended by your very existence, people whose words and expressions and laughter all feel like knives.