
Today in Black History: February 5, 1995

  • Trayvon Martin born in Miami, Florida. Trayvon became a household name after his murder in 2012 sparked a national conversation about the deadly consequences of racial profiling in America.

When Martin was nine years old, he saved his father’s life by pulling his father, who had been immobilized by burns to the legs, out of a fire in their apartment. Martin’s former football coach said Martin had been one of the best players on their football team (The Wolverines) that played at Forzano Park in Miramar, Florida. Martin played for the Wolverines from age 8 to 13, and sometimes sat out because his father benched him “because he messed up in school.” Martin had played football at the park since he was five years old and his team was coached in part, by his father. During his years in high school, Martin volunteered at Forzano Park, working in the concession stand, sometimes staying until 8 or 9 p.m. before going home.

Martin’s former football coach said he was a shy kid and always walked with his hoodie and headphones on listening to music.

When Martin started high school, his goal of playing professional football was put aside in favor of a career working with airplanes. Martin attended Carol City High School in Miami Gardens for his freshman year and most of his sophomore year, before he transferred to Krop High School in north Miami-Dade in 2011.

While in his first year at Carol City, Martin attended classes in the mornings at the high school and then went to George T. Baker Aviation School for the rest of his school day. 

He would have been 19 today.