Five things you should NEVER EVER add to your cosplay



With con season just around the corner, I thought it might be time to issue a friendly reminder of some things that are Never Ok to Cosplay*. Cosplay is a wonderful creative outlet where people should be encouraged to pretty much wear whatever they think looks awesome. Cosplay shouldn’t be limited by people’s weights, religious requirements (if you wear a hijab, there is no reason you can’t have that as part of your cosplay), comfort levels (don’t like short skirts? Make that skirt longer. Do what’s comfortable), or finances. If you feel awesome in a cosplay, you are awesome. Usually. This is a list of the exceptions. There are some symbols, styles of dress, images, and objects that hold deeply important meaning to people. Sometimes it’s because of historical reasons, sometimes it’s because of religious reasons. Just remember, it’s not ok to add these things to your cosplay. Ever.

1. Never cosplay a Nazi. Swastikas are never acceptable.The Nazis did some horrific things during WWII. Even after they were out of power, their symbols were used by other groups to justify terrible violence. What they did remains a deep scar on our collective memory and their symbols continue to call up those memories. This is just a small summary of the atrocities they committed. Warning: link contains some truely horrifying images.

2. Never cosplay in brown/black/yellow/red face. This article goes through the history of black face better than I can.

3. Don’t appropriate sacred symbols, if wearing those symbols is in itself a sacred act that you are not entitled to. Crosses? Probably ok. Bindis? If it’s not part of your culture, no. All the no.

4. Never cosplay the Apache Tracker. For more, click here.

5. While it’s totally ok to enjoy a problematic character, you want to think very, *very* carefully about cosplaying them. Your cosplay does not exist in a bubble. If you recognized it as problematic when you saw it on the show, why would it be ok to wear as a costume in real life?


Cosplay doesn’t happen in a bubble. If an object, image, or symbol has a deeply personal/religious/painful meaning, you should think very very carefully before you choose to add it to your cosplay.

*Based on conversations with mylifeasaweapon, pineapplesquid, randompassingninja, geese-in-flight, and imasupermuteant

Remarkably…I agree with all of this.

I’m usually the first person to gesture angrily at anyone who tells someone what they can and can’t do in cosplay…

But this list is solid. Follow this list. 

(Sadly, I’ve actually seen some of this in person and it just makes EVERYONE uncomfortable. Especially the Nazi one. I remember when Hetalia was the most popular thing going and some kids just didn’t get this and there would be GROUPS of people with Nazi armbands and making Nazi salutes….con security had to get involved. D: )