Yes. Yes I am.
I’m offended by people using the term cishet for alot of reasons. Firstly because you never know. You never know when someone is trans* And alot of people who’re trans* don’t want you to know.
Yes, I get it, cisgendered people are happy with their gender, and don’t have to deal with the same things trans* persons do. But most cisgendered people just so happen to have other problems. And I get that some cisgendered people are fucking assholes, and I get that some heterosexual people are fucking assholes.
But get this, when people use ‘cishet’ as an insult it makes me, a transgendered person, feel like shit. Because you’re making fun of people for what they identify as. the same thing trans* persons have to avoid, fight, and work through their entire life. It doesn’t matter who you’re doing this to, it’s fucking disgusting.
It doesn’t matter if its ‘not the same’ or ‘not as offensive’ or ‘a joke’ it’s just as bad. cisphobia pisses me off so badly.
Because sure there’s alot of cisgendered people who don’t understand and are fucking cock suckers, but let me tell you about how if it weren’t for the help of many people, 99% of which just so happening to be cisgendered, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I wouldn’t be the fucking man I am today. You know where I would be? In my fucking grave.
You don’t know a person just because they’re cisgendered and happy to be that way. you don’t fucking know a person if they’re transgendered and happy to be that way. why don’t we stop fucking sterotyping, and stop fucking hating AS MANY PEOPLE AS FUCKING POSSIBLE instead of pushing our hate toward a group of people who is the media’s vision of ‘normal’.
This is a really interesting perspective.
This user needs an award. Like now.
To be honest, I think cisphobia can almost even be considered transphobia.
Guess what I, as a trans man, want to do?
Transition to become a cis man. I wish I had been born a cis male. God, do I wish every fucking day that I had just been born cis and in the right goddamn body. What’s even worse is that I’ll never be exactly the way I should be, because the technology just isn’t there yet. I’m always going to be stuck in a weird in-between place with the surgeries I’ve decided to have.
So when people say, “I hate cis people,” that’s kind of like saying, “I hate what trans people wish they were. I hate what trans people may someday become. I hate post-op trans people who have successfully transitioned.”
That’s what so many of us are striving to be accepted as. We want to pass as cis. We want people to look at us and say, “Oh, they’re male/female!”
Cisphobes are pissing all over us in an attempt to piss on cis people (who they are also pissing on, don’t get me wrong). Even if this couldn’t be considered a form of transphobia, it’s still disgusting and childish, and it does nothing for us in the long run. Sure, it might feel good to “vent” right now, but what about years from now, when cis people fucking detest us, when we still don’t have our rights, because you little shits don’t know how to “vent” without being assholes? You’re hurting people. You’re threatening to kill people. You advocate genocide, rape, and murder.
Then you mock cis people when they get understandably upset, when they’re hurt by your words. You mock them for being human. You mock them for having emotions. You mock depressed people, suicidal people, even gay men and women, bisexuals, pansexuals.
Not only are you mocking trans people who wish that they could be cis or who have already fully transitioned, you are mocking 99% of the Earth’s population for their gender identities while simultaneously screeching about how trans people shouldn’t be mocked for their gender identities.
It’s fucking bullshit all around, folks! You’re trying so hard to be cruel to the majority that you’ve started being cruel to the minority, as well. Oh, what a tangled, hypocritical web you shitstains on existence weave!
One of these days, I’m going to be a fucking man. I’m going to look like a man, and I’m going to act like a man. I’m going to be what I should have been all along, and I bet you whiny little fucks will call me cis. To me, that won’t be a fucking insult. That will be a fucking medal that I worked hard to earn. I will have gone through surgery, I will have spent my life savings, I will have alienated the majority of my family, I will have given up so much just to be comfortable in my body, just to not hurt like I do now, and you think that calling me “cis” will hurt me, because it’s supposed to be an insult.
Nah. Y’all have no fuckin’ idea. Get outta here with your cisphobic, transphobic asses.
“So when people say, “I hate cis people,” that’s kind of like saying, “I hate what trans people wish they were. I hate what trans people may someday become. I hate post-op trans people who have successfully transitioned.”
Until I read this I never realized how much “us and them” is going on here.
You, Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
usually I don’t reblog this, but the third comment/user is a fucking eye opener.