
alright, assholes, we’re going to talk about anti-Semitism because it seems like no one else is

-A French “comedian” tries to do an upside-down Nazi salute in a feeble attempt to get people to ignore it. He calls it “anti-establishment” rather than anti-Semitic, despite being fined in France several times for hate speech aimed at Jews.

There was a big march in Paris that demanded that all the Jews in France leave

Poll in Poland shows that 63% of those polled believe that Jews control the banks, that 18% believe Jews were responsible for the death of Christ, and that 13% believe that Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes.

Shul in Ukraine defaced by graffiti

Another shul in New York was blown up.

In fact, Jews in Ukraine have been urged by a chief rabbi in the community to flee.

….and all of that is only a small snapshot of what is happening in the world to us right now, and yet no one is fucking talking about it.

Apparently, the words “never again” mean very little to the rest of the world.