
okay can we get a couple of things straight?

  • Russia has not technically invaded Ukraine. Crimea asked for Russian aid, and so Russia was invited into the country. Crimea is pro-Russian and is actually happy that Russia is there. If Russia moves out of Crimea into the Ukraine proper however, is a different story.

    edit: because i just realized that people probably don’t know about Crimea.

    This is Crimea. Crimea is an autonomous republic. It’s a peinsula that is home to Russia’s Black Sea fleet and was part of the Soviet Union until 1954. 58% of the population identify as ethnic Russians according to Wikipedia.


  • Russia has not declared war on Ukraine or vice versa. Ukraine’s PM will declare war if Russia militarily intervenes, but so far that has not happened. Ukraine’s armed troops are on combat alert however.
  • RE: The Budapest Memorandium from my earlier post: “Ukraine has signed the Budapest Memorandum with US, UK, & Russia whereupon by giving up their nuclear weapons they will “respect Ukraine sovereignty, not threaten or use force again Ukraine, and “Seek United Nations Security Council action” among other things. Russian dropped the ball with this obviously, and this is why people are looking to see how US and UK respond. Technically all they have to provide is “security council action”. US and UK are not obligated to defend Ukraine. Fun fact: Russia has veto power in the UN.
  • WWIII is not happening, so calm down. Putin isn’t stupid enough to start a WW when he knows he will lose against the forces of, well, the rest of the world. As of right now, the best case scenerio to this situation is that everyone talks and comes to some sort of resolution. War hasn’t even been declared yet. Until the situation changes, calm down.

As of right now this is just a military intervention, not invasion and not war. There isn’t a cause for war right now.