This goes for all non vegan ‘animal lovers’ out there.
You ARE NOT an animal lover if you love some and eat another.
Shut the fuck up and grow up.
How about you shut the fuck and grow up because veganism isn’t a black and white issue and some people are financially or phyiscally incapable of surviving on a vegan diet?
I love cows. I also love dogs.
I don’t eat dogs because a dog is someones pet, someone loves that animal and I’m not going to take that away from them. If someone had a cow for a pet, I wouldn’t eat it for the same reason I wouldn’t eat a dog.
If there was a dog that was humanely killed for it’s meat and was not someones beloved pet, I would give it a try. Eating meat doesn’t mean someone has a vendetta against the animal it comes from, and eating meat doesn’t mean someone doesn’t believe animals should be treated well in life.