Some Basic Serial Killer Statistics
- The USA has 76% of the world’s serial killers.
- Europe in second, has 17%. England has produced 28% of the European total; Germany produces 27%, and France produces 13%.
- California leads in the US with the most Serial Homicide cases that have occured. Texas, New York, Illinois, and Florida follow shortly behind.
- Maine has the lowest occurence of serial murders – none. Hawaii, Montana, North Dakota, Delaware, and Vermont each have had only one case of a serial murder.
- 84% of American killers are white.
- 16% are black.
- Men make up at least 90% of the world wide total of serial killers.
- 65% of victims are female.
- 89% of victims are white.
- 44% of all killers start in their twenties.
- 26% start in their teens.
- 24% start in their thirties.
- Out of all the killers, 86% are heterosexual.
I notice those magic words “serial killers” really piss off the MRAs. I see why now.